March 10, 2021


* Some setbacks, and Journal plans* 

My oh my... Getting that certificate that there are no commercial offices in the building is proving to be a tougher cookie to crack. We need to settle the balance for the unpaid Home Owners Association fees before we can transact. :( .... Try not to get discouraged, we can power through this, one step at a time.

My niece seems mad at me cause I forgot to buy her some materials for her project... Noted, and will buy it tomorrow.

I really am excited to use the grid journal app I had installed. Made a custom template that'll hopefully align my interests and attention towards productivity and self development as I journal the day... I'm just using the free version so I am going to write a good review for the app in the appstore. I am going to use the grid journal throughout the day and then end the day with a journal entry with this app (it's a more freeform journaling, unlike the grid journal).

So things to do tomorrow:
1 Buy my niece her art materials.
2 look for the documents that show proof of ownership of the building.
3 Spend less money. Eat at home!
4 Use the grid journal throughout the day.

Keep busy, be productive, and the future unfolds to those who are ready.