February 16, 2021


Dear Diary,

So my mammogram is coming up.  My first one, and I'm not even 40 yet.  Doctor ordered a screening to be done.  She was... concerned.  The closer it gets the more terrified I become.  not about the procedure, but about the results.  Cause I even know that once the procedure is done, I will still have to wait for the results.  And I am afraid that if there is something, what I will have to face.

I am still waiting on my results of my kidney numbers to come back.  I am always waiting for them to tell me that I have fallen into stage 3 and that I would have to prep for dialysis.  I know my condition is degenerative, and it's only a matter of time.  And no one knows what that time frame is cause everyone is different.

I have developed a pain in my heal.  My husband thinks it's a bone spur, or heel spur... but that means I have to talk to my doctor again.  what else is going to go wrong I my life.  I almost cannot take this anticipation anxiety...  it's way too much.  I know I need to walk and do things, but my heel hurts.  I think I'm just going to wait till after the whole booby thing is settled before I deal with one more thing...at this time...

Work stress is through the roof.  The contracts and companies are changing.  The dates are all over the place and no one knows what exactly is going on...

Why can things just not happen... one... at... a... time.... PLEASE!!!!
