February 14, 2021


今朝嘅 Checklist:
3/4 View B&F 流程表: torso F&B (√)→ L. Leg F → (√)→ R. Leg B (√) → L. Leg B (√) → R. Leg F (√) → Scapular/ Shoulder F&B (x) → Pelvis F&B + waist all (14) →Head All (before end of Feb)

Completion: 9/22
Duration: arrpox. 10 days since 11/2

我決定咗 3/4 唔洗做到咁 clean,尤其係腳,基本上都明啦,而且越黎愈實在。所以我諗住搞掂。Pelvis 都慢慢明白咗啲道理,但唔知具體 structure 好無畫埋佢。因為真係要重新開張新既畫。不過我要理解 torso 同腰部連接既竅門。今日重點讀呢個同埋 shoulder。

而家下晝 3pm 嘅 Checklist:
3/4 View B&F 流程表: torso F&B (√)→ L. Leg F → (√)→ R. Leg B (√) → L. Leg B (√) → R. Leg F (√) → Scapular/ Shoulder F&B (√) → Pelvis F&B + waist all (14) →head all (end of Feb)

Completion: 7/19
Duration: arrpox. 10 days since 11/2
