January 28, 2021


Dear Diary,

It's already 28th Jan, Feb is coming and my annuals exams are also coming today in online class mam said It hasn't decided if 9th and 11th classes are going to give offline exams PHEW! but we should prepare for it the exams may start from the last week of Feb. I srsly studied nothing the whole phucking year and just started studying from dec. btw I am in 11th commerce student. Idk how I am going to clear the exams It's good news that corona cases are reducing and vaccine came fast but why in my exam time like correct this time?! Corona just betrayed me hard lol 

I'm happy about the vaccine but I don't want to give offline exams. and also my school's principal and half staff is suffering from corona and hospitalized may they get well soon... but don't you think calling students when the situation of our school is like this really bad idea...   
