January 10, 2021


Dear Diary,

She texted me that today the pain was gone and she was getting better, what a good news! She even seems to be healing quite fast I'm so glad! The prayers worked! Just knowing that she's okay is enough for me, no need for long convos.

Today I tried to add some shades to my Zelos drawing, I just love the Tales of games series so much, I can probably say that they're my favorites so far, I love the plots, the characters design ... The voices, everything! If I had to choose a 2nd game company I love i'd say CHERITZ, without a doubt, even though they haven't been releasing new games lately I still haven't forgotten all the good memories they gave me.

I was a little bored after I uploaded my Zelos reel so I started a new dramas it's called Itaewon class, I like it so much, it'd been a while since I last watched one. I still haven't found a buddy to learn some korean, I miss sharing languages with people..., I don't want to lose all my spanish skills, and when it comes to my russian.. Well let's not even mention it.

I've got to master at least 2 foreign languages for what I wanna do, for now I can speak french, english n spanish but I feel like it's not enough, I need more.

Well.... Enough thinking for today.... I'll just drop a drawing here as a reward for those who read my monologue till the end.
