January 02, 2021


Dear Diary,

You know what feels good? Knowing that the holidays are over and my birthday has passed. It feels a little better to get back to normal.

Kemper made me a chocolate cake yesterday. It was actually pretty good. 

No word from my brother, not surprising I guess. My parents emailed me yesterday wishing me a happy birthday and wishing I would come home. I still can't bring myself to respond to the emails.

Kemper is working a little bit today. I guess some people called wanting some work done on their snow mobiles. It is crazy for how small this town is that there is even a mechanic shop where you can get work done on your vehicles. 

It is a dreary day too. Freezing rain today. It makes sitting by his bedroom windows kind of chilly. 

Kemper said he is pretty tired and is wanting to chill and rest after he is done with work. I am completely on board with that. I will probably be napping when he comes home. He said it wasn't going to be a few hours of work. 

Kemper is bummed he can't ride his motorcycle in this weather. He said that is the only drawback of living here. Winter weather prevents that from happening. It is still crazy that a southern California native would actually want to live here. It is awesome weather there year round.

I'm used to dreary but not this much snow or extreme temps. Although I am not much of an outdoorsy type of person so having to stay in because of snow or cold doesn't really bother me much.

I am so tired today. I would love to just snuggle up to a pile of blankets and snooze the day away.
