December 19, 2020


Skeleton girl 

"Why don't you eat more "
"Girl eat a hamburger"
"You need to put some meat on those bones"
"Look how small your wrists are, I can't wrap my whole hand around it"

Fuck you! 

As I eat like a pig, as the wispers dance around my name. 
"Do you think she's on drungs" 
"Is she anerexic" 
"Does she have food at home"
Thinking in my head if I just reversed the questions 

"Why don't you eat less? Eat a salad! You got a enough meat on those bones?look how wide your wrists are, I can barely get my hand around it! " 

What if I whispered around 

"Do you think she has diabetes?does she have a scale at home? Does she not have a mirror?

Yea!!! Fuck off right