December 03, 2020



After interviewing Mba Leonika Sari, I certainly was more inspired and motivated to pursue the field of entrepreneurship. I know that this field is very wide open and gives opportunities even for people who don't have a degree or have a degree that is unrelated to entrepreneurship. However, I still plan to get a high education and have a lot of experiences because in entrepreneurship, knowledge can be your biggest advantage. Other than that, I have interest of becoming a university professor so that I can expand my knowledge, spread my knowledge and meet the next generation of this country.

In the next 4 years I plan to complete my undergraduate degree in the Department of Information Systems in ITS and graduate with the best results I can possibly have. However, I want to take advantage of my undergraduate years to part-take in as many experiences as possible outside the academics. I plan to go on at least 3 internationalization programs if possible, participate in writing and public speaking competitions, robotics competitions, and business plan and pitch competitions.

I also wish that by the end of four years, I would have at least one successfully running business with my friends, which I have now already started to build with them. Currently, me and some of my friends are building an online learning platform called Studious which aims to familiarize Indonesian students with math and science concepts in english by using a bilingual teaching method combining direct translation and re-explanation of subjects. I hope that this current business succeeds and we reach our goal, but even if it doesn't (the common fate of first-time entrepreneurs), it will be a learning experience for my whole life forward.

One more thing I plan to do, hopefully by the end of my first year, is to start my personal website and youtube channel as a form of my creative outlet. If I am able to create good quality, educative, informative, and entertaining content for a wide audience, I think it will boost my CV and put me in a stronger position for any possible future employment. In my final year, I hope to write a final dissertation surrounding the topic of IS implementations in the education or medical industry.

Once I have graduated, I want to take a year to develop myself further before pursuing my Master's degree. I want to dedicate more time towards the business I have which I hope will be growing well at this point. I want to take certified courses, predominantly online to support a more flexible schedule, in fields I am interested in and the fields that will push me further in my journey such as IoT, machine learning, business, marketting and many more. I also wish to begin my first experiences in teaching by becoming a tutor and a free-lance coach for public speaking competitions for school-aged children, especially in my own highschool as there is always a strong bond between the students and alumni of my high school. I also wish to try free-lancing in graphic design, software design, and web design if I have the chance. I also find it important to use this opportunity to take part in internships, preferably in an Indonesian owned startup.

Between 2025 and 2027, I hope to be able to do my Master's degree abroad in fields related to IS such as Business Information Systems, Computer Science, and so on. My goal is to be able to complete my studies in Germany. I will further grow and expand my business if it's succeeding, and perhaps venture into new business ideas that allow me to work on it remotely from the country I'm studying in. However, I hope to have at least a well-established business with a big enough team that it does not require much more of my immediate attention, but that will be the very best-case scenario.

After my Master's, I will be 24 or 25 years old and many people of that same age will already be focusing on their career. I also would like to have the ability to put more focus in expanding my entrepreneurial career, but assuming that I would still have interest to become a university professor, I will need to pursue a PhD. I am very thrilled to participate in deeper research and expansion of IS and computer science in general, but to accomodate expansion of my business, I think I will need to do a part-time PhD. This means that my PhD will take longer but that is okay because I am not in a rush to become an academic and want to take advantage of my youth years for entrepreneurship. Afterall, more real-life experience and involvement in subjects I research and teach will give me a good advantage. 

I wrote all of this as a first semester undergraduate, so there are still many things I don't know and there are always countless uncertainties in the future. I know my plans will change, my dreams and aspirations won't always be the same, and I will have to make decisions that might take my life completely off the course I elaborated in these paragraphs. Nevertheless, a concrete glimpse of what the future might hold and what I might want from it can at least be a precious piece of motivation. 

For my final degree project, I will be interested to learn about IS implementation in the education sector. The laboratory that I will focus on is Information Technology and System Infrastructure. I will choose the electives of Internet of Things, Digital Creative, Natural Language Processing, Database Technology, and Decision Support Systems which has relevant issues to the topic of interest. One extracurricular activity I can take part in is an internship in an Indonesian education startup if I have such kind of opportunity
