December 01, 2020


I had another virtual doctor's appointment yesterday (Nov. 30) with the same doctor as last time (not my regular doctor).

I don't like this lady. She's new. She doesn't take what I have to say seriously. I mean, I don't like my regular doctor much either, but at least she listens and believes what I have to say. 

Anyway, new lady gave me a prescription for some cough medicine and antibiotics, thank god. I've literally almost had this for an entire month to varying degrees of severity.

She told me that I should also be using my inhaler and a nasal spray that I was previously prescribed, but quit taking since it made my nosebleed.

So I primed my inhaler and used it and then felt like an idiot. I immediately felt so much better, despite continued coughing. I could breathe so much better. I had considered using my inhaler at one point before then but I decided against it because I had thought "it's just for allergies, I probably shouldn't use it for this." 

After that I went to the doctor's office and got a test for the flu and covid. Flu was negative but I have to wait 3-5 days for the covid test again.

Back to the inhaler thing... Here's some messages I sent to Da about how I feel: 
  • You know what I hate though? How little I've understood about asthma my entire life. I had it when I was a baby/toddler(?) and my parents had to use a nebulizer on me. But I thought I grew out of it. Occasionally through my childhood I heard something about how once you have it, it never really goes away, but I thought it had. I thought I pretty much had normal lungs. I thought my lungs fucking suffocating me in gym class was normal. Why did my parents and the doctors let me believe this was normal? I struggled in PE because my lungs couldn't handle the stress and an inhaler could've helped but no one ever mentioned to me using one. I thought I was fine.
  • But tbh I get fucking winded when I talk and walk fast.
  • And it's not because I'm overweight.
  • My lungs are fucking ass.
My life is hard and it only ever gets harder. I'm being a bit dramatic but it's true. I thought I was asthma-free for a long time and then it suddenly came up again 2 summers ago because my ex had a cat. And now my current boyfriend has a cat himself and there are 4 more in his house. It never ends. 

"Just tell him to get rid of it."

I cannot tell Da to get rid of Iroh! Iroh is his baby (a young cat, but not a kitten). I couldn't ask him to part with his cat. I think I could manage living with 1 cat, but I'd rather not if I'm being honest.

It's so scary not being able to breathe. Wheezing and gasping for every breath. But as long as I have my inhaler I'm fine. Except itchy eyes and stuffy and runny nose... But I'm still able to breathe. 

Breathing is such a blessing. 