November 25, 2020



Dear Diary, 

hi it's me again Morin, right now I want to  sharing about my experience during my Information System Concept assignment or I can say it is a project because it is always comes one after the other (sustainable) hahaha. So in this week task, we are asked to create roadmap plan in our studies.

 First of all I want to study as much I can during my college year in Institute technology Sepuluh Nopember. second, I want to find scholarship for joint degree to ease the cost must be pay that my parents will pay. 

Third, during in ITS I want to start a business to learn from, and after i graduate from my collage I want to continue the business that i have start. Fourth i will continue my education with take postgraduate abroad, my dream university is Massachusetts Institute of Technology. But it just my plan forward I try to be flexible so that I can adapt to every situation, in the end of the day I just want to learn and do everything as best I can at this point. but I hope to achieve my dreams one by one.
