November 03, 2020
I need to make this post before the medicine I took overpowers me.
I felt bad all day yesterday and it only got worse as the day progressed.
It started out with pressure in my sinuses (nose above eyes), a tingling deep in my nose like I needed to sneeze constantly, followed by constant sneezing, then a runny nose, occasional sore throat, and a headache. I have all of those things right now.
I felt fine the day before. All of this started at like 3pm yesterday and now it's almost 2am.
I took 3 benadryl and 3 ibuprofen to try to help relieve the pressure and pain. I hope I feel better in the morning/afternoon or whenever I wake up.
Da and I had planned on going to a hotel today and tomorrow but he decided it's best not to risk getting sick during this important week and month of work. I agreed.
My dad is feeling about the same as me but he doesn't let on to how bad he feels most of the time so he might feel worse or better than me, idk.
I think the benadryl is starting to kick in.
I told Da earlier that if I die, he's allowed to open my Christmas presents early lol.
I hope this isn't covid. I mean, I don't think it is, but who knows. Ugh.