Dear Diary,
Yesterday night was great, went with ashik to a motojojo gathering. Its somewhat simmilar to sofar sounds, but what was intresting was, they start with introduction of everyone in the gathering, everyone has to tell their name and place and one crazy thing about themselves. I told about my college time 10 days trip and then everyone else told thier stories, and i found that people are so good, that there are so many great people, its just that i am not meeting those, there was a girl who had her startup called bucho please, she sells kombucha.And other guys too, everyone had good crazy stories.
Then There was Akram Ul Haq, Who said he would sing songs wchich he wrote himself, and he played amazin guitar, not in a guitar style, but some different thing, he used it as a guitar, as melody, as bass, as drums.. Completely Atmanirbhar. And in the end it turns out that his songs were lyrics less. He said the song's name is unibrow and unibrow2 and said there is a deep meaning (Its still bizzarre for me, its a lyrics less song..)
Anyway, i dont want to write a lot today, this was a great great sunday too. Me and Sweety did a lot of things today, made cookies, fixed my room, went to sindhi colony strolled around, ate so many different things. And now i just have to be prepared for the Monday tmrw.. =D
The Moon in the evening was so so beautiful today.. Golden yellow shining not too high from the bridge in the clear dark sky...
Okay, Goodnight..