October 07, 2020


In the midth of dark 
Unfulfilled goals
I don't know but I kinda feel like I am coming to same places ,same situations over and over again....
May be life is a stage play and all we are players like  Shakespeare.. said..
May be we are all same ..looking for a anchor to hold on...longing for love..want to be loved by someone...
Today I came across so many thoughts 
1.your life is not about yourself 
It's about everyone whose life you touched
2there are no right or wrong things..there are things which works or doesn'tworks ...
So we human beings need to be more human 
Mituki you are brave girl 
Be more kind ,be more compassionate, I know your just having little bumps
But I can guarantee you you can become a great surgeon you aspired to be...
This is just one more test ...have faith in how far you came believe in how far you can go...life is yours you can paint it with colors whichever you want

...end to sad news...loneliness.. be your whole awesome..love yourself 
With love mituki❤
