September 21, 2020


Dear Diary, 

It seems I write only when I am overwhelmed with emotions that I cannot keep just to myself. 

But isn't that we all are doing here, writing what we can't process on our own,angry with the people who hurt us, scared of what we will become and most importantly not knowing what the future holds for us. 

I ve been writing for almost 10 years, only when something fucked up has happened, like when I am heart broken, betrayed,or even when I am lost and have no clue to what should I do. So I think not 10 years but a significant amount of content that qualifies me to say that I keep a journal? Well, I ll let you be the judge of that. 

And hey, is this thing safe, no one can track me so I can write about my victims that I kill daily because I am a serial killer? No?.  JUST KIDDING. 🙃

NO, I am not a serial killer and I am not gonna be writing anything about killing. I do watch a lotta movies and I am smart. I think. 

See what I did there, I came here to write away what bothers me and I changed course, unwillingly that is. 
