August 19, 2020


Good evening! Good day at work, I'm happy about that. Mentally I seem to be a bit lost. I know I am experiencing what I call a "low grade depression." For those who dont experience depression, not sure that you would understand, but you might. I try to stay optimistic, its tough. Meditating helps me, it takes me away for a few moments into my own world, no worries, no stress, no one at all; just me and my subconscious mind, in the darkness, listening to meditation music, drifting from this world, peacefully getting away. It feels good, I dont know where I drift to but I love it. My happy place fills my heart with love and I have no choice but to smile in the moment, I cant stop it, its automatic. I love my escape. I love these moments, its needed. We all need to find that "thing" that will help us escape, help us release our worries, stress. That one thing that you look forward to doing after a hard day or a emotional moment. We need this. 
