July 19, E:9


What should I say dear? A lot is happening around. Not in my life, but everyone's life. We all know that, but we do not give it a thought conciously.

Do I talk about my misery, but that would be shameful, if I write now, after reading what others have to say. Every entry talks about a different pain to human lives. 
So in a way, the brains of humans are a harm to themselves only. Just think about it, if we were to be animals, we would not have to think about anything except some basic four or five things. 

Yeah, I do know it also gives us a lot of good stuff of having emotions and what not to feel and think about.
 So do I consider it a tie, a tie between the boon and the bane of human minds. 

But Equality never exists in nature. Nature's nature is to increase randomness, i.e. entropy. How can it ever be equal with things.


And huh, this never ending dilema in my head. It never stops. Any statement I want to say, i.e. any statement that comes into the work area of my mind, my min starts thinking about whether it is true or not. Or will think about whether it is right or not to say the statement. For example, suppose I wanted to say, to motivate myself, that 'I will top the final exam.' then, my mind would say, hey, it's not right, staying that would be a disrespect to all those top 100 or 1000 student who are working hard for it.  
This happens whenever I wanna say something. I don't know whether this is good or not. But this dilema never stop in my head. Something is always going on.

Rakhi is also coming soon krishna. Don't forget about it. I'm thinking of going to Rajmahal. Although I am not much interested in celebrating Rakhi there. I'm thinking about, I'll be getting a better chance with stars, maybe I'll get to see the milkyway too from there. Pray for me dear that I get a chance to stay over night. 
Speaking of which, Lately I'm too much interested in stars and stuff. I'm also trying to remember names of some. I was even successful with some. Like in the late evening, one on the east, shining most brightly is Jupiter, on almost above my head is alcturus, on its little NW is epsilon bootes. On North East is vega. On South West is spica. And the three brighter ones of Ursa majos are miraz, benthenes or something. And third one, I forgot. And in the morning I saw is Venus. But I think that's good for one day.... although I couldn't get to see Neowise comet, due to clouds in tht area daily, but yeah, pray for that the sky clears soon in that area for me. I really wanna see it.

I'll be going for mbbs mainly and now I'm thinking that, on a side note, if, it is possible as distance learning, I wanna do B.Sc in Astronomy. And if I can't make it to mbbs, I'll do B.Sc. in something of Bio probably instead of it with astronomy. I know these subject choice will seem a bit different to many people, but I like doing different things.
There's a lot that I wanna do, but let's see in how many I get success...

LU. Take care.... Over N' Out.


Extended Further:

Now I just came at the top and what, it's all cloudy. Why is it that comet had to come when it is monsoon in india. And right now, the cloud are so dense and high, that the sky is still red in west....even I can see a reddish glare just slight east of above me.....


Btw, I forgot to say earlier. You know I even bought a pro in the app related to astronomy, just so te get the location of comet. You know that cost 499 rupees. And this was the first time I bought something through play store. Yeah. I had just searche for the comet in the app and in a second it showed you need the pro bundle, and in half a second (Hyperbole) I had bought it.... But yeah I didn't give it much thought at the moment. Just bought it. It's quite good. Although I saw a big mistake with the app. The app didn't show Indian or Chinese missions to moon or Mars. I wrote a feedback for that....

So this is the end now. Goodbye...