July 18, 2020 Scary Dream


I'm getting prepared for board exam. Miss someone, who handles the subject asks us to draw a complicated diagram on our sleeves( long sleeves). It's kinda picture based math or physics diagram. I draw it on my left hand sleeve. 

Then I go into a house nearby to wash my hands and when I come out all of my batch mates are standing in line. I hear someone nearby saying that there's a search going on to catch students who are carrying anything to cheat in the exam. I recall what my teacher had said and wonder if it comes under cheating. I take a step forward thinking it isn't a mistake but find a student getting caught for having that diagram on his sleeve. Damn! It is cheating. Why did our teacher recommend it, then?! I back away and run back inside the house and find the diagram partly gone. I rub it some more and it was almost gone. I come back outside and find very few students. 

I don't know how the whole lot disappeared and only few were left now. Security or cop, who was outside the house informed me that a girl had died, more specifically, gotten killed. I began to freak out and asked him to walk me to my house which was close by. He asked me to get inside the house I had just come out of. I wanted to go home and was about to leave when I found army of guys, my batch mates or strangers, charging in my direction. I turned around and ran back, along with another girl who was standing beside me, inside the house and shut the door. 

Noise of riot was heard, among guys and cops. I was too scared to step out. The girl lead me inside the house. It was one of my batch mates or Junior's house but they weren't much affected by the riot, happening right in front of their house. 

Few stuffs flashed in my mind. It was like as if I had witnessed it and also was informed by the cop at the door, about the death of my classmate. I thought she got killed in a stampede while the search. But the teacher who had searched her had held on to her too tightly and killed her on the process. And that had resulted in students agitation and riot. 

It was so real. I was so scared. The guys wanted to break into the house I was in but I couldn't figure out why. We went up to first floor to peak outside. Two doctors were trying to calm down the students. One of the doctor was father of my friend who had helped me inside the house. 

I stayed there for a long time and the amount of fear hadn't gone down at all. It was too freaking real. 

@In Heaven : You had just asked about my dreams. I got one, worthy enough to pen down here. 😊 