July 12, E:4


Hi Krishna, So another day was wasted, and this one was wasted not with anime, but a game, some manga, and Telivision. 

Yeah, I don't know when the new sun will rise, where I actually study. Probably soon.

I also told Mr. Po about what better could be done here. Although it's already a gem. But yeah. But hey! I seriously forgot, I didn't ask him if he minds me calling him Mr. Po. Will ask him soon. 

It rained today. I do like rains a bit. Or not. I am not sure actually, maybe both. Rain gives me shivers, it brings me that vaccum feeling in heart.(One where it feels that no amount of blood will be able to fill the heart, I named it sometime 3 years ago, since that day, i have been calling it Vaccum wali feeling) actually it's the feeling you get when in love, I get it wih rain also. 
And with love itself, I have mixed feelings, so, anyways.

So since 5 minutes I was thinking what more could be told to you, And nothing really came up, I tried to go into somethings but that would not have come through my heart at the moment. So I believe I am really messed up at the moment. I ain't really doing anything, because if I were, there would have been a unique story. This is really bad. Gotta do something.

So This is where I sum up today. Take care, goodbye..
