June 30, 2020


Dear Diary,

I had a semi rough day. I got another chance to change course of my life. I am sometimes terrified of people I love. That they would abandon me, they would shut the door on my face and worst of all leave me stranded financially. It feels good to have people in my life who assure me they would always have my back. Yet I want to prepare myself for the worst. As a human we don't have control over every aspect of life. But there are certain aspect which we can exercise control over. Being financially independent is a great relief. I think even housewives, and unemployed should stash away money in secret for emergency in case things go south. Most of the time people can't get out of bad relationship because they become dependent financially. 

1. Never ever sacrifice career. Try to make it work as much as possible. It is not irrational fear. 

2. Be financially independent and spend responsibily. Always have secret money how much ever the partner or friend is gentle, and lovely. 

3.Exercise a at least 30 minutes a day. Better sweat a bit than gasping for breath and paying hospital bills. 

4. Be kind and respectful to myself. 

5. Don't let go off friends. It's harder to make friends as we grow old. But never keep people who always look down on you. 

6. My job doesn't have to be my passion. As long as my job doesn't make me feel miserable it should be fine. I can always continue my passion as my hobby. 

That's it for today. 
