June 18, 2020


Dear Diary, i really want to write down our story, the one, that broke my heart, my happiest days, my worst cries, meeting the love of my life, meeting him, with my thoughts and emotions, but i cant Wrap my head around the fact that its so long ago, that i suffer for good 10 months now and my heart still hurts as if it was yesterday, that you held me while i cried histericlly, because you did some stupid shit again, that broke my heart for the first time. i really want to share my story, but i don't know, if i can, i don't know if i can write it down, withoit breaking down again... it's just SO hard, so do you guys want to hear the story of how i met him, of my first real heartbreak? let me know, because i think it would be good for me, to hear some support and opinions.

love, leo.
