Dear Diary,
If i am Ted Mosby, than my story should be called as How i met my life.
Ted mosby waited for 10 seasons, always believing that there is someone, somewhere and he was destined to meet her. And with every episode it kept gettinog difficult and seemed less possible. But with every episode he kept learning more and more. And getting closer to where he was suppposed to be.
Now in my life, i want to meet that perfect work, the perfect thing that i can spend the rest of my life working on. I keep meeting new technologies, new ideas, and new problems come along. I have break up with few already. And i am kind of on a break with other few. I am still dating esp, but that has just so many problems, somedays i feel like breaking up. But then i know that all of this, It's there for a reason.
I dont know if someone reading this would believe it or not, but every time i find a solution to one of the problem, looking backward i can trace that it was so beautifully hidden there, as if it was arranged so neatly for me to discover. As if something magical just keep giving me tiny hints on every step.
Evantually i find solution to all problems. But they never see to end. And as days go by, i feel little scared, what if i wont find the solution this time, what if there are no hints coming this time, and no one is going to help me fix this time. And then i'll have to break up. It feels heavy in my throat, thinking about it.
I remember ted mosby in that episode where he tells Sherbatsky how he belives less and less everyday, what do i do about that. And she says that you are ted mosby, you start believing again. Destiny ? Chemistry. You have chemistry. I dont know what is it that i should be believing in now. Maybe destiny is what i can hold on to.
Its the 5th day, and i still dont have solution to this problem. Its very random, and happening in only few devices. I cannot reproduce it. And its one more day, i'll have to sleep feeling lost...
Until next time...