June 05, 2020


Darling ghost, I am a feminist. Not the one who goes around yelling women are strong. I accept the weakness of women, but in our weakness lies our strength. The world women see could be different from men or might be a little bit similar. I see the world as a place where we exist together instead of a place where we compete for dominance. The decision we make and our perspective could be different from men. This difference is our right. Right to be respected. Tell me why a guy who walks around half-naked is never raped by women, but a girl wrapped in cloth like a new born baby is ravaged by man? I will tell you why: it was never about the cloth. It was always about the pervert mind. Our body was given to us by the creator. We can cover or reveal it; it's our freedom. Your mind was also given by the creator and you can corrupt it or keep it clean; it's your freedom. We don't have problem with it. It's the fact that you disrespect our right and act on your pervertd desire to restrict our freedom, that makes the feminist rise.

Your feminist.