Dear Diary,
After so long. Past week has been really hactic. I mean these days, before sleeping and even when i wake up, there is always something related to kiot in mind. every single day. I sleep thinking about a problem and i wake up thinking about the same. I feel like there is really never a moment when i dont have work. I mean, its always there, something is always pending. I am not sketching, not reading, not learning, no new projects. I have even talked to dawrani and no longner working on gozammer or eatthismuch. Just Kiot. I saw the video where elon musk tells the importance of hard work. 80 Hrs a week, its not just the ideas and ambitions what built spaceX or tesla. It's the hard work. Working every waking hour of the day. I am still far far behind from that. Most of the times i am not feeling good in tummy or i am feeling sleepy during day and i am sleeping atleast 8Hrs. I think i am a lazy person. I mean i work on things when they are intresting, but whenever they are not, i give up, but it cant be intresting all the times. I am not so active. I mean i have been thinking of ordering those usb cables for past 2 weeks and i havent ordered those yet, i dont know what am i still thinking about. Whenever sandeep asks me sopmething, my standard response would be, "We can do, but we'll have to rewrite a lot of things and it'll take time..., Tell them atleast a month", i wish i could be the person who could say, ok, i can do this jugaad and give you this tommorow. I think a lot before taking every step, and even after that i dont make perfect things. I make descently average things. With lot of jugaads.
I am not getting any closer to elon musk, I only talk about the big things, but am i really doing anything ? I dont think so...
Ok. Enough of this. I think something is not good in my belly, i am always feeling lazy and drousy. I need to eat less and start excersice again. And just have a little bit more self control.
Things to do today
1. Listing down all bugs in app
2. Checking particle rule engine
3. Testing nexa 2 switches
4. Investiating Firmware OTA issue
5. Check EV Code and it's compatibility as a wifi device.
Personal things
1. Order things on amazon
2. Prepare what needs to be sent to chaithanya
3. Credit card apply