May 08, 2020


Darling ghost, when I close my eyes, I can see nobody. They are all here and never here, because I can see them but not their essential. They are all wearing an armor to protect themselve just like me... just like me they are waiting to be found. For someone to witness their naked soul. I am reaching out with closed eyes, and I can grasp no warmth. Cold of metal caress my hand but I only flee. Searching for warmth, I can only flee. Yet, I am reaching out again for another armorless being. But I am wearing an armor too. Neither can he find me nor can I find him. Having found 泣き虫 wearing an armor just like mine, can I forget about warmth? She feels like kindred spirit. However, she is also searching for another naked soul. Is there someone for each of us? Someone to witness our naked soul, and Whisper hope in our  heart. 泣き虫 can we numb our hand and heart?

Your blind knight.
