May 04, 2020


Dear Diary,

7th day of chloe tings program. Today workout really kicked my butt. I think it's because of the lack of sleep since I had to finish a lot of my college school work. It was mainly ab amd arms that were focused today and let me tell you my arms the weakest things ever. 

I have gotten better tho. I used to be barely able to do a push up and it wasnt in good form too. I only go a little but lower but my form is so much better. Same with the other exercises. Ever since i started getting conscious of my form my muscles have been burning from being worked out more. 

I cant believe i made it this long. I was really expecting myself to quite less than half of the way but hey i did it. My shorts have gotten loose too which is amazing. 

For those of you who are interested in doing this  just know that this is mostly beginner level stuff but you will start get definitions in upur body. Its a good place to start. 

Im one of those people who dont feel comfortable going to gym especially in the place that i live in since you get harassed a lot as a girl no matter where you go. 

Your not gonna get like those bodies with like buffed up muscles by doing this but the results are so huge especially if your someone who just started your journey. 

I mostly do this for my mental health too. It really helps a lot. Its a good way for me to destress amd let everything out in a positive way. 

Anyway hope you guys are doing okay in quarantine and staying safe. Ive been really loving the people on this app since i can relate to most of you guys and see perspectives of other people about certain stuff. 💕
