my d*d


Dear Diary,

my life has been fucked ever since court decided to let my dad have shared custody over me. Since he started threatening to hit me, be sexual towards me when drunk, to hit me and hurt me emotionally. The court let a man that keyed my mum's car, beat the shit out of a drunk guy because he bumped into him?? OH, and we can't forget his shining moment:

 Threatening to burn my home (mum's house) down, threatening to kill my grandparents, mum, dog and me.

Him and his girlfriend are twats, perfect for each other (not really, he makes her cry on a regular bases and hates her parents) - they make comments about what I wear, do, like and the music I listen to. Like, sorry that I don't listen to heart radio 24/7?

One day, in 2017, they asked if I wanted a sister, I told them I wanted one my age. Then a few months later emerges the favourite child. Now that this kid is 4, I'm okay with her, she knows the boundaries and doesn't cry all the time. Last year, arrived another kid - it cries all the fucking time I could strangle it. AND OH! ANOTHER FUCKING CHILD appeared couple months ago. Dad's first time naming a kid: Tommy. 

Who the fuck thinks Tommy is a good name for a kid? Him, he named it after the racist, homophobic man: Tommy Robinson.

My dad, a few girlfriends ago, met my older half-sister's mum, who he got pregnant and then left her - knowing she was pregnant. Last year, her mum got in contact with my dad's mum telling her they knew that my dad was the father and were willing to do DNA tests. He took me to London, to buy as much clothes I wanted, and then told me. I was pissed for her sake - she's 18 now and he's all of a sudden claiming her as a child.

He yelled at his girlfriend when she got upset about him not telling him sooner. He still hasn't told her parents and tells me to keep quiet about it around them. So, he doesn't tell her, but told my mum the first time they met about my older half sister?

I've now passed the legal age of deciding not to see him anymore, so once I've collected my belongings from his house - he'll be physically out of my life.

Not mentally, he's fucking messed my brain up. 
