March 06, 2020 Morning walks


Dear Diary,

I had a nice morning. After 4 months of planning and deliberation, finally mom and I went on our first morning walk. She has to lose weight. I have to get my eyes right. Ever since I finished my college apps, I have been having eye problems. Everyday I wake up, they look like bloodshot dracula eyes. I also cannot spend more than 10-15 mins looking at close distance objects. 

At first, i thought it was a case of dry eyes. But eye drops havent cured me. Then I  went to tirunelli for 4 days was full of trekking and nature visiting. When I came back, my eyes felt exponentially better. Then I understood the real problem was not dry eyes, it was eye strain due to excessive computer use. I was spending 12-15 hours a day glued to one or the other screen for 2 months back to back and it took a toll on me. I think if I restrict my screen time, and spend enough time using long-distance vision, things will get back to normal soon. Hence the morning walks. 

When I came back home, I had this elaborate plan of embarking on a self-learning journey. I was going to learn so much stuff online. But now I cant for atleast another few weeks.Its one of the few things that's causing me regret. But i understand, nothing is as important as health. So i must be patient. But sometimes I think back and wonder, this time last year, I was getting so much stuff done, and I was scolding arihants lazy ass for not doing what he agreed to do. Ugghhh now i cant do anything. :(((

These days lots of people want to talk to me. I am getting lot of linkedin views and random people are messaging me on fb asking for advise for their ms plans. In a way, I feel good that it is a fruit of my acheivemnt, but sometimes I also feel repulsed that people respect me only for my achievements and not for the person inside me. I was same then and now and i'll always be. 

My linkedin mentor said, 'youre amazing, thanks for making my life wonderful with this experience, I feel alive again with your acheivement'..LOL, thanks..But he bailed on me when I needed his letter..anyways, I'll give him the benefit of doubt and just assume he really meant it. Afterall, I did learn a lot of useful design stuff from him...Thanks for the amazing learning experience. 

I helped a boy with sop revision. He asked if I wanted money, but I said no. If everyone who helped me on the way also did, I would have been broke by now. :D..i have disturbed too many people for my needs. His dad had a heart attack 2 weeks before his gre, so his score is on the lower side. I made some suggestions on this sop, he will get back in a week. 

I got off the phone with another person a few mins ago. She's an IT person in her 30s, an Indian woman who lives in the us with her family. She has kids, husband, in-laws, the whole package and wants to restart her career with a masters. We had a good convo and I hope she gets her admit wherever she wants. Despite all my protests, my ms-prep wasnt as hard as hers. I didnt have to feed family, work and study for GRE and work on independent projects...I think I should think of myself as lucky. 

Also next week, I am going on a cake baking workshop...eeee yyaaay..Its not a big deal, one could probably make the same stuff through youtube tutorial, but hey this girl needs to make up some excuse to leave her home ;P ;p
