Dear Diary,

          I don’t understand why i can’t wake up! Granted, i have a really hard time getting to sleep. But even when i do, and i get a good solid at least 6 hours, i can not wake up for anything. I set alarm after alarm and they don’t even faze me. They wake my roommate up before they wake me! And she’s in a totally different room! I’ve tried every suggestion that has been given to me. For example, put your phone across the room so when the alarm goes off you have to physically get outta bed to shut it off, i’ve been told get an old school alarm clock with a bell, i’ve been told to use apps that track your sleep and the alarm goes off in your lightest state of sleep so it is easier to wake up. None of this has worked for me. Each example worked for the first few nights but then stopped. Idk if i get used to the sound and then my body learns to tune it out to continue to sleep. But idk how ridiculous that sounds or not. Could be possible if my body is that desperate for sleep. I’m going to try a combination of things and hopefully i can find some kind of combo that will wake me up. I can’t continue to sleep till 2pm, i get nothing done that way and then my anxiety just gets worse. And i have a photo shoot coming up and i want to be able to sleep the night before and i NEED to wake up on time, i can not miss this shoot!!!
