January 17, 2020 Thank you notes


Dear Diary,

Wanted to take some time out to thank some people who had helped me throughout the last 2 months. I think when the decisions I might be too giddy to write it down properly. 

So here it goes: 

1. To my family: Mom and dad. thanks for putting up with me and my silly antics. I know I can be a pain in the butt at times. Thank you for the food and the roof. 

2. My amazing saviors: Minnu ms, Aravind and Arihant

You guys have been so patient with me, putting up with all my last-minute rushes. Thank you for your generous letters.

3. My mentors: Bharat and Mithila - thank you guys for the feedback on my work. I'm sorry I couldnt meet you irl. You guys have been so helpful to me despite your busy lives. 

4.Myfriends: Aditya,Aniket,Arihant,Corey,Harsh,Jonathan,Krishnakumar,Mrugendra,Neel,Neeraj,Prakhar,Smita,Sulaiman,Tanya,Vishal - thank you for reading one or the other version of my essays, helping out with the shortlisting, and helping me calm my nerves. 

I have a feeling I'm missing out people..I'm sure i'm. Thank you all for every help. I'm not sure i'll be in the mood to write this down when the rejects start comng in..so here it is..

Thank you !

