Dear Diary, Kay so tonight there's rain and I'm blaring my music to tune it out I mean it always works with mom *sigh* sometimes I wish every one would just leave me alone my grandmother respects this and usually asks me only 2 things 'wanna watch a movie?' Or 'how are you feeling today's in witch case I always answer with these 3 things 'sure' 'maybe in a minute' and 'good' and she's always okay with that my mom is always pressuring me to enjoy life or her 568th boyfriend a chance she's a total well she's not a slut but she has had more boyfriends than I can count my dad is the best thing in my life since my grandfather's death 4 years ago and I love him he's the only one to get a real smile a real laugh something not faked out of me and I gotta say it feels so good to have real emotions come through my hard outer shell and you know what dairy it feels amazing really amazing💖