Heyhoo diary! Been a while since the last time i wrote my assignment here, he he! I’ve been busy for final exam and doing my final project, interviewing one of the information system alumni, mas Hipzul! He is from batch 2015 and was graduated from ITS several months ago. He is now an application development associate in Accenture!

He was sharing some experience when he was studying as an information system student. He told me about his strategies and his ambition for the last 4 years, and it really inspires me!

He told me for not giving up easily and never think that all of the courses that i learnt are useless. He also ask me for exploring more about my dream job and learn about it earlier. 

I also ask my mom about her expectation for my future, and she made a video about it!

And I also made a lifeplan and hope it all will come true, aamiin!
