December 04, 2019


My foot hardly is bothering me any more. It's been a shitty week. I love being told by bitches at work that I won't get my holiday double pay because I called off during that week. Sorry I sliced my foot open on a nail. Sorry I got taken off of work for 3 days. I'm not sorry I still got my double time for working on the actual holiday.

I'm really not sorry. It's ok for highschoolers  to call off as many times as they want during the week for whatever they want and nothing being done about it. The 40 year old and 25 year old throwing a hissy fit because they actually had to cover another adults shifts for 2 days. Fuck you. I can't stand people.

I can't wait to go to work tomorrow and have to hear them bitch that I'll more than likely be late. The boss has already oked it. We only have one vehicle, my husband works 3rd, my sitter\ ride is in the hospital. He has copd. 