November 18, 2019


hey i dont even know why a i writing this shit in public but maybe u guys can help me be a little bit more happy or atleast cheer me up. ok so today is my brothers birthday but he's far away he is maybe 17 hours away because my family got sooo fucked up and then my brother is going to spend 2 months with my father and two months with us. and today is my birthday and i cant even greet my brother "happy birthday" and give him a kiss and a tight hug even my mom can't my parents seperated bcoz my dad has some third party shit going on and then he hurts me and my mom and then other shit happend but im really just sad. and even rn im cryingg, coz i want to give my brother a big hug and a kiss and tell him how much i love him. and i know my mom misses my brother two so much, oh btw my brother is 3 years old and i just cant understand why is our life going to be like this? ugh im justttt
