4 Am Night...


Dear Diary,

Its 4 o clk and i just came home. Its very rare for me to be out this late these days after mom came here. Makes me feel young again πŸ˜€.

It was a good evening and i needed it. Yesterday, i went to meet kiran and while returning i felt so lonely for a moment, and felt like i should go meet people immediately, but there aren't many people here. I wanted to meet some old friends, have a tea and just chat. Its been so long, i haven't done that. Today was good. 

We went to loft first, then vijay had some extra tickets for a movie, so we went to the movie (Dream Girl). Sone pe suhaga, we got free cheese popcorns, free cold drinks, free lolipops and free chocolates too πŸ˜πŸ˜. Turns out, it was microsoft's team outing and we got lucky. Thank you Vijay πŸ˜€. 

There are many things,

Lets begin one by one. 

So today i found a note Akshay wrote on tod, Its from may, he wrote about how happy he is after joining the team. I am very happy, that he liked the team here, and also if you are reading this note Akshay, i feel proud of 3 of you too. It has boosted my confidence a lot. 

Shopee is doing some sellings these ddays, Seshan found a client for shopee, i talked with ankur and animesh also, they seem to like it. I think for the decent price it comes, its a good product, however, it wont be as easy as i thought(Like always =D). I am still working on it again, and the earnings arent really great, its only pennies, but it seems like a constant source of income every month however small it is and i am just hopeful, that someday it may hit some jackpot, and i may catch some bigger fish. Apart from the company, its my first ever independent product to do some sell and making revenue πŸ˜. I think i am a successful entrepreneur now πŸ₯‚. I wont say i can't done anything in life. 

Although i missed on the spaceapp part. Meera told me one day about SpaceApp Challenge, its organized by Nasa. I was excited, and today was the day we had to go for the first round of Hackathon. 

And i Didn't. I chickened out. Thinking that i had no preparation πŸ˜”. I think it's something i'll have regret for. (Same like from the movie, the curious case of benjamin button, that lady tells benjamin about how she has regret about the wasted time, thinking how she'll change her circumstances and do something and yet she never did anything after that event in her life). I want to go to Nasa and meet people there and ask my doubts. That is a dream, and yet, yet i did not prepare for it, instead i was busy setting up a client on shopee or fixing up a problem of eeprom in a microcontroller, which may not even use in production. Sometimes, i am so obsessed with few problems. But i think there are few wrong problems, which we shouldn't get into, or leave early. And i have been doing this mistake over and over and it seems like for past so many days, i am only stuck in wrong problems(Problems, which i cant solve, or i cant solve at least right now, no matter, how much effort i put into it). Anyway, this is a chance lost. I also feel very bad and sorry for Meera. She always keeps inspiring me and motivating me, yet i failed her again this time. If you are reading this, I am sorry Meera. It seems like when i first met her, i was a different person, i was doing something something, these days, i dont know, i am sleeping more and doing less. I am sleeping 8-9 Hours everyday πŸ˜’. I cannot control it. 

Anyway, i'll just tell you the ideas we had for hackathon =D. There was one particular idea which i thought was really amazing, but no one liked it.

I closed my eyes and thought about the time when we are interplanetary. What are the things which will change. And i think traveling to another planet would be same like how it was to travel to another continent centuries ago. We would need Maps. 

So i thought of a map of the universe like google map for earth. Which tells best route, travel time, directions from one location to another in the universe.  And also gives you insights about weather conditions, gravity, time constant(measure of how fast time runs on that planet) etc on the destination planet. Ofcourse its fantasy, but i thought this could be a good beginning. 

Second we thought about Locating tourists on the mars without a satellite based GPS system, using lora nodes only, low energy, simple stack. (I read something about triangulation and positioning, i thought we could make one system in which all nodes can communicate with each other and triangulate position of any tourist on mars). 

I haven't read any productivity and self improvement article for a long time. I remember in college, i used to read such things a lot, i even showed motivation videos on my laptop to everyone. I remember showing once to sarita in library after one of her bad interview (I think it was amazon)πŸ˜€. I think that was a funny video, i showed naman and lohiya motivation videos i had downloaded from youtube. And i remember sharing these articles in facebook groups etc. =D. Today, after so long, i just got one such article, It's about impact of writing your goals. I think it's very important. And i think i'll have to do that (Next Note πŸ˜€). 

I miss manali so much, the trek. the caffe. Time is only moving forward, and i don't have much time. And as ted Mosby says, everyday i believe less and less. I don't know if i'll ever be able to do it (It fills my eyes with tears.)

I want to meet Elon Musk too, I dont have any questions to ask him. I just want to Meet him once. Just say Hi.

There is more... A lot more... But...

Until Next Note. 


