September 08, 2019


Dear Diary,

I heard a the door of my room opened and my little bro came into view. That strange since he never come to mine at night. I just allowed him to sleep with me and switch the lqmp off again. He fast asleep but then I heard a faint sound like a yell. I went downstairs and I can hear them clearer. They were fighting, and the memory of two years ago crushed me like a tsunami. I eavesdropped from behind of their closed door. My mom is shouting and I hope that my mom just keep shouting. For I know that if she stop, that only mean one thing. I heard almost everything and ran upstairs just in time and I heard an unrecognisable noise and a sound of the door opened. I peeked through my window. Apparently, he left. He left our home. He left mom crying. And he left me. 
