April 21, 2019


Dear Diary,

When you are heavy it's harder to exercise but when this dark gloomy April showers night chill finally turns into may flowers I will take an allergy pill and walk the track daily. 

There's vitamins you get from the sun that supposedly help with depression. 

That's why perhaps there's more depression during winters. 

I do awful come February and marches but the nice weather is around the corner. 

I will have to walk around the track a bit before I'm ready for the gym. 

I dont want to walk in after 15 minutes sigh and walk out :/ 

On the track I can walk and sit on the benches if I have to  and walk again.

I'll listen to my Dresden files audio books and forget . 

Easy to feel invisible because everyone is walking also . 

This dark gloomy weather is blah . 

I wish we could get rainbow dash on the job and send some of these dark clouds where they need them like California . 
