Dear Diary, How many times have I started "AGAIN"! LOL Well, here we go again. Today is the 1st day of the rest of my life! I've been trying to live my life in such a way that I felt like a Contestant on "Naked and Afraid"! Just drop me in the Amazon Forest and say, "Do or Die there, Toots!" No more! Although so typical of any of know...wake up Jan. 1st...and say to yourself, "This year is going to be different!" has! Why? Because, I set myself on a mission, a plan, although not always clear, to change the Dynamics of my life. When you know, that you know, that you know, that you MUST do something different in order to change the projectory of your life, you take your naked and afraid butt and make a move...almost like you are a game piece on a gameboard! The only difference is that I've put a plan into place. The key here, is that I mustn't get caught up so heavily in the plan itself. Life can throw in so much unforseen crap! So if my day doesn't quite measure up to the plan that's laid out, give yourself a break. That's why we always here the expression, "That's Life!" Plans can be great, go great, and plans can change in a snap! So I've adjusted myself to NOT get so caught up in the details. The details are important, but you just have to be more relaxed in your mind as how how things may flow. I don't mean go with the flow! No! Then I'm being too relaxed! Remember, I'm changing my life here people! LOL The point is...YEAH! I'm changing! Life can change! I'm super loving the journey! I'm not so focused on tomorrow...I'm focused on what's today. Today, and what I do today is what counts. Then slowly, but surely, tomorrow will start to look more bright!