Dear Diary, its been a while since ive wrote here.. But I tried opening myself up more the past couple of days.. I felt better.. Until now. Someone told be to confront my depression and tell people about it.. But its just so hard.. I dont want to tell my brothers because they dont actually give a shit about me they both hate me and make it 100% clear they do because They say it. I'm not telling my dad because he is lart of thereason I'm so depressed same with my brothers. Cant go to any of my councillors because who the he'll knows what the fuck there gonna do when I tell them I cut myself. Cant go to any of my friends because they wont understand or Their going through their own shit at the moment. I have nobody to turn to. On another note.. My dad threw me across a room today.. And no it wasn't fun. And in my brothers response to that "you're so dramatic!" Like WHAT THE FUCK!? I'm so sad. At this point I just want to die.. I'm so close to ending it all. Bit there's something telling me I shouldn't.