Dear Diary,
The sun is setting slowly. It's so beautiful. I wish I could see it everyday.
My mind was wandering a lot in the last couple hours. I was supposed to be wide awake during my ride. But it felt like I would fall asleep any moment. As if the people who made my lunch purposefully overdosed it with melatonin. But the last thing you want on a cab ride is to fall asleep. So I concentrated hard on everything outside the window.
Big buildings everywhere. Apartment buildings all over the place. Just seeing them horrifies me. I've lived on rent in many places, but never in an apartment until now. I need soil and fresh air. I'm scared that one day when I have a place on my own, it could be a matchbox house in an apartment complex. Hope I can afford a piece of land on the ground.
I see shopping complexes all over the place. There is a shop for anything and everything. Italian food, exotic drinks, exotic pets, exotic clothes , you name it . But there's hardly any one inside those shops. Isn't that just sad? All that money you put into something, and there's no one to visit ? Or maybe as mom says, rich people just randomly create these shops so they can just stash down their black money .
The people on the road seem at best indifferent, at worst melancholy. They look so engrossed in their own world, in their own thoughts. They hardly seem to care about what's happening around them. Would they even care if someone dropped dead in front of them ?I guess these are all common characteristics of metropolises. But this place isn't even a real metro. . .
Wonder what it would be like in a real one. ...This is why I miss my place and the people.
The outer roads seem calmer, but a little moody because they're so desolate. I saw a auto pick up rickshaw carrying 5 times its load full of junk. It seemed like a picture out of a NatGeo cover picture.
Then there were buffaloes ,....Like a family of them. ..That was nice. I'm still sleepy, I'm still yawning, jeez, what did they feed me ?
Some funny statues of politicians on the road side...Including gandhi,...I think it's time we stopped worshipping him like a god, he wasn't a saint any way ...Then there was a boy walking on the pedestrians path, as we took the last turn. He wasn't particularly good looking, but the denim suited him so well. I guess good dress sense trumps everything else.
I've reached my destination. Thankfully made it without dozing off.