November 23, 2018


Dear Diary,

Its 6 in the morning. I woke up early today. Infact at 3 o clock in night, but then i dint know what to do so early, i though about work, but dint like the idea of me working in this precious hour, thought of reading a book but then couldn't think about one great book which i would want to read right now. So I just slept again, but at 6, i realized i have just wasted 3 hours. I must not waste anymore. So i went to park for jogging after a long time today. Recently i am being too busy, lot of work at office these days... 

And now i decided to write to you, i wont lie to you i have been thinking of writing to you for a long time, its just every time i want to write, a work thing pops inmy mind and i compare the situation, whats important, me writing about whats happening here or fixing a bug which help the company grow, and you know what i end up picking always. 

Anyway, now i'll write to you. There are few things which i was thinking day before yesterday. 

While returning to home from office, i was having few thoughts. (You know, in general about whats happening in life and thoughts of her etc...) and i wanted to write to you right then, but i could not because i was driving. So i decided that we need a Though Transpiler. Which can just read my thoughts as they come and write to you. So thats what one day u'll become. 

I see this whole thing as such a great plan laid by the universe. 

First me, learning to code and learning to make websites, then me getting into IOT(totally random thing, When i started, i dint even have an idea about anything, it was a toy we started with...). Then saikat talking about open source humans... Everything nicely laid out so that i would end up making you the way you are.... 

Quoting Ted mosby here "You see, The universe always has a plan." 

I took waseem bhai's project. I dint want to, i told him 100 times, gave him nice ideas about limetray and all, but it seems like most people want to create something of their own. Most people are curious to see how things work. Most people will spend the money, spend their time to their curiosities. Well, i think thats what the entire humanity is anyway, Curiosity is what is driving us all since the beginning. Curiosity to look into space outside our planet, or to look inside the cells or atoms, which we were not supposed to...I think mostly thats all what's driving humans, rest all is just time pass. 

Anyway, i took the project, it wont take much time(They say often a creator invariably underestimate the amount of time and effort to make an imagination into reality). But that also makes me a creator.I like that(I mean, i am an artist, in whatever small amounts, but it involves creativity.. 😁😁). I was thinking about what to with the money(Yeah, i forgot to tell, this time i took money in advance, this time i applied something i learnt from my previous experiences =D). I could buy that full frame camera, or a city scooter and the drone kit, or a gift for everyone in entire family, or i could put in some more investment(Market is pretty down these days, they say its a good time to invest). But then i thought it'll be like the same money i get from job which is all scheduled in different channels, i want to make some difference, something great with this money, thought of donations, but then today while walking i got an idea, i think education is important, but not the one in school, one day I want to teach kids, important things. I could save this money as a fund for that... Not sure yet, but i hope i do that...😒

Was reading a nice article somewhere and thought of sharing with someone, i know who i used to share such stuff with...😔

Anyway, Life is good. 

Buenos dias... 
