The Open Diaries
Public Diaries
Lost girl 81's Dear Diary
Weekly Plan 06/06/21-06/13/21
1. Take Kori for his test 2. Renew state license 3. Fax Doctor report to Sedwick 4. Get groceries for slow cooker for the week.
Jun 08
Road map
1. Transfer departments within the same company 2. Get established in the new department, with the new pay rate. 3. Enroll in 2 year college, and take the prerequisites needed for the next level up in the department. 4. Enroll in the 4 year Universit
Jun 03
June 03, 2021
Morning or good afternoon. It's 1:08pm, and I just woke up to work 2:30pm to 11:30pm. For the rest of the world this is the afternoon but for me it's morning. I like talking to my journal through out the day, so I don't really loss a thought. Talk at
Jun 03
June 02, 2021
Why is it that some people can't understand that things can connect to a past event from years ago, and still have consequences years later? Bryan's 43. It should come as a no brainer to him. Well I'm considering to back off from him, and his lack of
Jun 03