Dear N-Han,
There are moments when I find myself thinking about you, not with regret or longing for the past, but just wondering what happened along the way. I don't dwell on the old days I just find myself thinking of you and wondering what changed.
I remember our light hearted sarcasm and how we would laugh at each other’s witty jokes when one of us fumbled. Those moments felt effortless, like the world was in sync with our jokes. But now, when I see you, even though it's only every once in a while, you feel so far away, like someone I used to know so well but no longer do.
Sometimes, when I hesitate to meet you, my sister will ask, “Aren’t you having a good time? That’s what matters, right? So why don’t you want to go?” I’ve never said it aloud, but meeting you now feels almost like I’m forcing you to be my friend. Not because you’re unkind or cold but because you stopped reaching out, you’ve grown distant. It’s like I’m talking to someone who used to care, but now seems like a stranger who doesn’t.
I guess that's what time does.
Take care,