I Didn't Want It To Happen But It Had To


My husband wouldn't stop fussing about the shotguns I took to the police station. Every day and night for weeks he was combative. Tonight I couldn't take it anymore. The finger-pointing, tossing furniture around, name calling, and throwing around my new clothes all made me feel threatened. I felt if I argued back too much he would have hit me. I was in the bathroom and he opened the door wanting to fight about the guns. He said he wanted it straightened out now, before he went to sleep, how I was going to bring the guns back in the house. 

He said he needed the guns for protection. My husband said anyone can come in here and kill the dogs, rape and kill me, and he hopes it happens because I took the guns out of the house. My husband said he has friends and he is going to send them to "see" my nephew. My nephew is grown and lives in a different state it's the fact that he said that that pissed me off.  

So, with all of that, I called the police and just because he was threatening he got arrested. He won't have to post a bail, they told me and he will probably get out on Sunday. I will receive a call when he is released.

I told the police to let him know that this kind of behavior would cause anyone to not bring guns in the house.

I feel at ease. Relaxed and peaceful. I say good for him. He had it coming for throwing out all of my clothes, shoes, CDs, DVDs, and religious items, and I am still taking him to court next week for property damage.

