My New but Controversial Belief about Suicide


There's no shame in suicide. You didn't ask for this life. You were thrown into it.

People say that before you commit suicide, think about what and who you would leave behind. What kind of effects would your absence have on the ones you love?

It's a valid question, I don't deny that.

But what about the person who spends their life trying to make sure everyone else is happy...but they themselves are miserable? They are tired. They are beyond tired. They are exhausted.

And this isn't a kind of tired or exhaustion that can be cured with simple sleep. I don't know what cures it... If anything really does.

Sure, some days are better than others... But that exhaustion is like the Nothing in the Never Ending Story... It's crushing. 💔

Look... all I'm saying is that though I personally don't think I could ever commit suicide... I understand why some would, and I don't hold that decision against anyone.

Living isn't a choice... But maybe dying should be.
