June 11, 2024


Dear diary,

Today began with a tense call from Mom, upset that I didn't deceive Dad because she does not want us to go to my relatives in the country side. Mom, being from the city, isn't keen on the idea, whereas Dad, hailing from the countryside, sees it differently.

I appreciate my mother's wishes, but I've chosen not to lie to my father about finishing my exams later. In the past, when I've lied, I've had trouble keeping the story straight, and my aunt(mom’s side) and sister have been quick to point out the flaws in my lies. So while my mother wants me to pretend I'm still studying, I don't feel comfortable going along with that deception. 

It's not that I see myself as some kind of moral paragon - I simply know my own limitations when it comes to lying effectively. And to be honest, I'm not a big fan of visiting my father's family in the countryside either. Their toxic remarks sour every interaction, making the prospect less appealing.

At the end of the day, I understand my mother's perspective, but I've made the personal choice to be upfront with my father about my exam situation. I hope we can come up together with another solution ,even if we don't see eye-to-eye on the best course of action here. 

Yours sincerely,
