"How has your day been?"


Dear Friend,

  “How has your day been?”, Most people will answer this by saying, “Good”, “Not bad”, or “Great”. They sound normal, don’t they? Well not exactly, about 6-25% of the people saying this are hiding the truth from you. You don’t know what’s behind that person mind. These people are too scared to say that they are not having a good day. You will never know when or who is or has been hiding this from you, that is because, as I said, people are too scared to speak out.

  The first thing that may come to your mind is, “Why are they having a terrible day anyways?”. Reason number one, compression. People compare themselves to others because they are referring to a group of people, a large group. When this large group of people have something that the person who is being compared to them does not, it simply makes the person sad. Try to imagine this example, “As I walk down the hallway, I see everyone on their phone connecting to each other and playing on their phones, they are having fun, and I am not because I don’t have a phone”. What you just read there is comparing. People often compare themselves because they have something less than others, which makes them less active and attractive. The mind set to avoid this is to not shine out in a crowd. You don’t always have to have something more than other, the less you have, the more you will give.

  The second is jealousy. Jealousy is like a fire; it burns the person down to ashes. A great and a common example of this will be you comparing yourself to am wealthy born person, which everything. By everything I mean, the looks, the money, the education, and the experiences. Even when you are parents are comparing you to some smarter than you, it isn’t you who is smart, it is that your parents are jealous that there is person who is smarter than you. No matter what you are comparing it is also jealousy. In this case if you are jealous of someone or something, the best thing you can do is know what you have more of that than the person. A person who has everything always will have a weakness and a person who is born with less with have more strengths in him in case of surviving.

  Third thing is feeling bad for yourself. When you feel bad for yourself, that is a sign that you are in depression. It is very hard when you find out your weaknesses and negatives. You know you are leaving a bad life, which you don’t want to live. In this case you should do what you like, it makes you more confident and makes you stronger in that activity.

  Now what would not make sense is, “How to know if the person is having a bad day?”. You will sense it, we can sense a lie, even if we can’t feel it. If you see that same person sitting down alone with his head down and black rashes below is eyes. Compliment and motivate that person, make them feel good and comfortable about them. It will make you a good person and may also make you feel good and confident about yourself.

  My Simple solution to not have a terrible day is get great sleep, so you will not be down the next day. Don’t overthink, it will get your stressed. Never compare yourself to anyone, there is no use, you know your strengths. Don’t seek attention to focus on your goal, it helps you get out of the distraction and get a better understanding about who you are. At the end it will always come down to you, you are the one to choose your life decisions, not me or anyone else.


