March 14, 2024


Hey guys:)
how are you? 
I just came home from school and ate something.
Today we had English lesson in the first two hours and we played kahoot 
one of the boys in the last row was sick and didn't came to school today but at the kahoot game his mane was there and he played 
I don't know how, it can be that his best friend names himself like the sick boy or he just played from home idk.
Anyway we had brake after that and went outside. 
One of our friends lets call her Maya came to us and sneaked with me on Romanian. 
She saw that i look at someone behind her and snaked me who am I looking at.
I Sayed her on Romanian that she shouldn't say his name out loud or watch to him because if she does my friends will know that i look at someone.
She Sayed okay an i described her the person at that i am watching and she knew directly that the boy i meant was Luke.
She nod to secure ,me that she wont tell anyone and asked me why him.
I told her that I like how he looks and that I like his style.
She nod and smiled at me.
After that I saw that Luke was looking back at me and I smiled.
He waved at me so I waved to him too but a little hidden so that my friends wont see it,
but his friends did and laugh while looking at me and Luke. 
After the brake we had drawing class there didn't happen much. 
At the second brake I saw Luke again and we looked at each other. 
After the second brake we had computer class .
That was boring:(
At the end of school I wanted to see if Luke is at the buss station but he wasn't so I went with my bff to her moms car.
To get to the car we need to pass by the cafeteria where classes take the 3th brake. 
There I saw Luke again he sat at the window and didn't see me at first but his friends pointed at me and the he turned around and saw me. 
He wave at me with a simile and i waved back:)
anyway now after I post this blog I will go to the nail salon to get my nails done.
Tomorrow is Friday I hope that I see Luke again on the buss like last Friday.
Anyway enough about Luke.
I will go now because I need to me there for my nail appointment.
Byeee <33 