I like to write down my thoughts... so it maybe little messy and random.
I like to draw, with pencil or pen... I don't like to paint to be honest. But not in digital art, I personally think I am pretty good artist for a 15 years old... There is so many things that I have to learn about art and... everything else. I gotta learn anatomy... so I can draw more correct propotions. I should learn so many things...and it may take so long, maybe even years. But I'll keep going, because I like to learn about drawing and stuff... When someone like to do one thing and they wanna get better at it, they seem to be willing to learn more and no matter how hard it might be. And if they get to learn something they don't find very interesting or even boring... they don't seem to be willing to learn or try hard. Because who would want to waste their time for something they don't like?