June 24, 2023, Too happy


Dear Diary,

Music is perfect on my laptop, it's passenger mix after long today. 

Its raining outside, actually it started raining only 2 days ago and weather is lovely since then. 

And i have a few reasons to be happy, you know the biggest one, No you don't, It's the one i haven't told you yet. But i will. Soon...

After long, i sat with peace, nothing else on my mind, i saw recipes from natasha's kitchen, felt like making fajitas, made granola, will make kashmiri kahwa tmrw morning first thing and then a Biryani. 

I cook, when i am extreme low and when i am extreme high. 

Things are going to change. I feel a bit responsible these days, i mean i have to be. 

There are still things i have to figure out, but i read a line today, `Dont take people too seriously and dont take life upon yourself, drink your coffee and embrace the silence`. I think it makes sense, and i do understand why it does. Its just that time to time we tend to forget these. 

Ok, that's it for today. 
