Hiesenberg said once: "Sometimes it just feels better not to talk. At all. About anyting. To anyone."
I agree with him...
There was numerous times when I would share something with a so-called friends so they could turn it later into a gossip material. The other time it would go into Me talking and You pretending to listen.
There were times when the person I talk to talks so much that I will not get chance to say anything. This would make me lose interest into sharing any personal info with that person.
Some people just forget that conversation is a two way lane....
Instead talking to "friends" I have decided to write to complete strangers like you and share you my traumas.
I believe that you might belong to one of next categories:
a) the majority: those who search for instant fuck
The majority category are those who want to have sex right away with as little talk as possible. They come on grindr when they feel the urge to empty their sore balls.
Some of this guys might act as they are searching for a fuck buddy but chances of them staying in a contact with only one person are pretty slim. Not that they might not interested in you, but they are easily distracted by other Grinders who would like to meet.
Guys from this category usually have several best looking pictures of themselves ready to exhange them with your pictures of similar quality. Their profile pic usually depicts part of their body - mostly it is their torso or/and legs - their most favorite body parts.
c) the transit group: all those who transverse between a) and b) but are not in any of the groups yet
b) the minority: are usually those who have lost trust in others but with a tiny hope they will eventually meet "normal" gay people
The main difference from majority group is they have a previous experience with back-stubbing, dishonesty, betrial, insincerity, mediocrity... and trying to escape the mind fuck game made by the majority group
I am reaching out to you guys from the minority group, since it is the category that I belong to.
I just hope my story might help us all in some way or another.
As I am getting a lot more happier each day by knowing where I might be heading, I have much less problem of telling you the truth of how I made myself busy all this years playing someone`s else game.